Shree Tatyasaheb Kore Warana Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., (Warana Sugar Co-Operative ) |
Shree Tatyasaheb Kore Warana Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., (Warana Sugar Co-Operative )
“Shree Tatyasaheb Kore Warana Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd.” (Warana Sugar Co-Operative), Warananagar, Dist. Kolhapur, a renowned co-operative sugar factory in India promoted by late Tatyasaheb Kore, the Founder and Great Visionary Leader of Co-operative movement in the western part of India, proposes to add some more project activities of Co-generation power project, BNG Gas Plant and Bio-Fertilizer Plant etc., out of waste material and waste water to overcome the environmental issues. The Warana Sugar Co-Operative Industries is the Mother Institution for the other warana Co-Operatives.
Covering 110 villages with 20,000 farmer members of the society reaching to turnover of Rs.1080.00 Corers during the financial year 2011-12.
1.1 Urjankur Shree Tatyasaheb Kore Warana Power Company Ltd
44 MW capacity bagasse based cogeneration power plant at Shree Tatyasaheb Kore Warana Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Warananagar (Warana Sugar Co-Operative Sugar Industries), Taluka: PanhaIa, Dist. Kolhapur has been prepared for implementation on Build, Own, Operate & Transfer (BOOT) principles and will be transferred back to warana sugar co-operative after 7 to 8 years till then the sugar industries will get benifit nearly of Rs. 200/ T, through the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) sponsored by Urjankur Nidhi (the Fund), a scheme under Urjankur Trust of Government of Maharashtra.
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1.2 Warana Distillery
Further in the year 1989,Warana Sugar Co-Operative has installed and started Distillery plant to utilize the by-product molasses with 30 KLPD capacity producing Ethanol, Industrial Alcohol and Rectified Spirit. Now Warana Sugar Co-Operative has increased the capacity of distillery up to 90 KLPD with Ethyl Acetate, Acetic Acid, grain-base alcohol project, ENA plant etc. Another Distillery plant with 45 KLPD has been set up at Pusad District Yawatmal which is ready for production. State of the art facility to treat distillery spent wash comprising of bio-methanation followed by evaporation and aerobic bio-composting to achieve zero discharge. This will be a major part of tremendous source of income to sugar factory as well as sugarcane growers/members.
Today has been set up with a capacity to 135 KLPD to utilize the by-Product – molasses to convert it into valuable industrial alcohol.
1.3 Effluent Treatment Plant
Shree Tatyasaheb Kore Warana Sahakari Karkhana Limited (Warana Sugar Co-Operative) and Warana Sugar Limited (WSL) jointly ventured the current CDM project activity. The CDM project involves implementation of new wastewater treatment scheme, which includes anaerobic treatment of distillery effluent (spent wash) in the digester system, and recovery of methane in an efficient manner for the generation of renewable energy.
WSL has funded the project in setting up two anaerobic digesters, (to treat 325 m3/day spent wash each) for the treatment of distillery wastewater. Further, the semi treated effluent after anaerobic treatment will be treated aerobically, which includes defused aeration system along with evaporator and spray-drying unit. The evaporation and spray-drying unit will produce dry bio-solids, which would be utilized as manure. The dry bio-solids is used for making bio compost with sugar mill press mud so as to achieve zero discharge for the treatment of high BOD/COD waste water (Spent Wash). The Methane (biogas) generated is captured and consumed in the boiler as a fuel to generate steam. Biogas mainly consists of methane and carbon dioxide and is a valuable fuel with a calorific value of about 5500 kcal/m3. Hence the project activity results in zero discharge.
The project activity primarily aims at reducing Green House Gas emissions and abates environmental pollution by capturing methane from waste water treatment and replacing fossil fuel with renewable source (methane) of energy for steam generation. The project proponent being a proactive corporate entity with a view to be in tune with the sustainable development priorities of the country has incorporated the project activity for mitigation of climate change. The methane capture and using renewable source of energy like biogas for energy generation would result in the lowering of GHG emissions in the environment. Also the incorporation of the project activity will also result in conservation of fossil fuel in the fossil fuel fired power plant and thereby arriving at an optimal energy mix in furtherance of the aim of national energy security.
In distilleries very large amount of spent wash gets generated. The spent wash generated from the distillery is high in Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)/ Chemical Oxygen Demand content. The BOD level of the spent wash is in the range of 55000-60000 mg/l and the COD is in the range of 110000-130000 mg/l. There are very stringent effluent discharge standards set by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Government of India for distilleries in India. CPCB had also introduced Zero Discharge Concept in 2005 for all distilleries in India.
Hence, in order to meet the State Pollution Control Board norms, the distillery adopted open lagoon treatment system followed by Bio-Composting with sugar mill press mud. But in open lagoon system the potent green house gas (GHG) methane escapes to the atmosphere which can’t be controlled or captured. This results in the increase of GHG gases in the environment.
1.4 Pulp Mill
For getting benefits from by-products warana sugar co-operative has installed bagasse based Pulp - Paper Mill in 1983 with capacity of 20 MT per day production of white cream wove paper of 45, 60 gram.
1.5 Sodium Lignosulphonate
Warana sugar co-operative has installed and commissioned 8 TPD Sodium Lignosulphonate Unit. Sodium Lignosulphonate is produced from black liquor of sugar factory and with some other chemicals. This chemical is used in cement and paint Industries like Oil and Natural Gas Corporation and BASF also in paint and leather industry. This will boost the profit of the sugar factory and offer better returns to cane farmer members Lignosulphonate is produced by Warana only and it is import substitute product. Warana sugar co-operative which is the only Manufacturer of Lignosulphonate in India.
1.6 Warana Bio-CNG Project
Warana Sugar Co-Operative convert a sugarcane waste called press mud (filter cake) into renewable Bio-CNG and organic fertilizer.
The Bio-CNG is a clean and inexpensive fuel that will be used in the cooperatives’ trucking fleet or sold in the local market, and the nutrient-rich organic fertilizer will be used by the cooperatives’ sugarcane farmers or sold in the local market.
The Warana project is one of the first-ever large-scale Bio-CNG projects using sugarcane waste (press mud). This clean and cost-advantageous Bio-CNG will be used by the sugarcane cooperative’s fleet of vehicles or sold in the local market. Production of Bio-CNG and organic fertilizer is expected by the summer of 2012.
Daily capacity of approximately 100 tons, or 35,000 annual tons, of sugarcane waste (press mud).
Daily production of approximately 8000 kg’s of Bio-CNG per day .
Daily production of approximately 75 tons of organic fertilizer per day.
Substantial cost savings due to low-cost Bio-CNG use Climate friendly – CO2 negative: Biogas-to-CNG conversation is the most productive use of agricultural waste Biogas Projects.