Mr. N.H.PATIL Chartered Engineer, FIE, ME, MBA, DCP
President / Chairman – (Continue from 01/02/2005) : Shree Tatyasaheb Kore Warana Co-op. Navshakti Nirman Sanstha Ltd., Warananagar [ POWER CO-OPERATIVE ]
The Power co-operative, Shree Tatyasaheb Kore Warana Co-operative Navshakti Nirman Sanstha, Ltd., Warananagar started in 2005 for the power / electricity generation from Hydal, Thermal, Wind, Tidal, Geo - Thermal, Bio - mass etc. sources of energy. Board of directors of this co-operative is Chairmans, Vice - Chairmans and Managing Directors of the major co-operatives in Warana Group. This organisation is co-operative’s co-operative from this group.
Significant Contribution :
President / Chairman (Continue from 30/03/ 2006) : Surajya Foundation, Warananagar.
The NGO, Surajya Foundation established and started in 2006 for the knowledge based all round development. Without more expectations from the others, it helps to work with the available resources in the prevailing situation. Self - reliance is being enlightened in the individuals, families, institutions for the achievement of better societies. Surajya Foundation believes in ‘Teach man bread instead of feed man bread’. Inventive & Innovative programmes, schemes & events are designed and foundation is initially implementing these activities in the state of Maharashtra & plans to operate throughout India in near future.
Significant Contribution :
Providentially shape up ‘New Human Role Model’ having self-intuition, scientific & self-reliance as major qualities with improved standards for the carving self life. |
Continuous motivation to social, cultural, educational, developmental, health, sports, etc. activities and programmes. |
Completion of many public oriented schemes, creative & new developmental works etc. at various levels of implementation. |
More than 40,000 unemployed youths benefitted employment through Training by the Foundation’s Institute of Requisite Education, Development & Training (IREDT). |
Completed Government of Maharashtra’s Election Identity Cards work (Year 2009) in selected taluka’s from Kolhapur District. |
More than one lac Senior Citizens from Kolhapur, Sangli, Solapur, and Yavatmal Districts of Maharashtra provided Maharashtra Government's Senior Citizens Identity Cards. |
Thousands of High school Students from Maharashtra are motivated for appearing/passing Union Public Service Commission exams (UPSC). |
Maharashtra's successful candidates in UPSC examination are honored annually at Warananagar, with the aim of motivating students, parents and all types of people. We yearly publish 'Vision - DVD’ of this event & Interviews Compilation Book which includes motivating thoughts of successful UPSC candidates. These DVDs and Interviews Compilation Book have greater demand & source of inspiration to society. |
Yog Vigyan Shivirs of World Known Yog Guru Baba Ramdevji are sponsored / organized at Kolhapur (Dec.2007) and Sangli (Dec.2008) districts. More than Lacs of people participated in it from Maharashtra and Karnataka states. |
To introduce cultural heritage of Kolhapur to Mumbai resident Indians, 'Prati Kolhapur Festival’ was organized at Shivaji Park, Mumbai.(M.S.) |
Great Social Reformer Honorable Shri Appasaheb Dharmadhikari was honoured by First ‘Surajya Foundation Gaurav Award’ (Feb. 2009) at Kolhapur in the presence of more than 15 Lacs People (Shree Sadasyas) from all over Maharashtra. |
Surajya Foundation Football Team, of rural area’s sportsmans participated in an International Football Competition at Malaysia. |
Holy place Lord Jyotirling from Western Maharashtra, colourful lighting event. |
Work of Surajya Foundation is appreciated by the Government, various Institutions & renowned personalities. |
Performing as a President / Chairman and effectively shouldering additional duties of CEO/ MD since inception of the foundation. |
Website : |
Expert / Technical Director (Continue from 23/07/2001) : Shree Tatyasaheb Kore Warana
Co-operative Sugar Factory Ltd., Warananagar [ EPITOME OF CO-OPERATIVE MOVEMENT ]
This Co-op. Sugar Factory started in 1959 with 1000 MT / day crushing capacity and reached to 11,000 MT / day. It is well known sugar industry in India and has won many national awards like Best Efficiency, Best Management, Best Exporter of Sugar including ‘Star Export House’ status etc. This sugar industry has allied industries / activities namely 44MW Co-Gen., Sugar Refinery, Paper, Distillery, Lignosulphonate, CBG, Bio-Fertilizers, First in Asia Warana Wired Village project, Internationally famous Warana Children’s orchestra etc.
Significant Contribution :
Golden Jubilee ceremony (2009-2010) of this Sugar Industry celebrated in the presence of his Excellency Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. He appreciates ‘ Warana Co-operative Role Model ’ & the rural development.. |
Highest per capita income in rural India achieved in operational area of Warana Co-operative Industrial and Educational Group. |
Warana Co-operative Group as a social responsibility restarted other five (5) closed / sick co-operative sugar industries from rest of Maharashtra for there local progress. |
Refined sugar plant at Warananagar is in operation & produces excellent quality of refined sugar & it has better domestic / foreign market. |
Selection / purchase of machinery & technology for Warana refined sugar plant from Tate and Lyle Process Technology London, U.K. |
Initially contributed in 44 MW Co-generation Project at Warananagar, which is first biggest one from co-operative sector in India. |
Initiated in Asia’s First Pilot Project from Government of India ‘Warana Wired Village Project’ by National Task Force Committee on information technology and software development - the ambitious project of Prime Minister’s Office of India. |
Warana’s sugarcane based Ethanol project submitted to Government of Japan under GAP by Govt. of India having Presidential reference. |
Warana is the role model in socio-economic development from the co-operative sectors. |
Work is appreciated at every stage and level. |
Website: And |
Director - (Continue from 29/09/2006) : Warana Sugars Ltd., Warananagar.
Warana Sugars Ltd., Warananagar, the institute proposed in 2006. It will be the first institute from the sugar co-operative sector to be listed on stock exchange.
Significant Contribution
Honorary Executive Director - (From 15/08/2000 to 28/02/2006) : Shri Warana Agricultural
Goods Processing Co-operative Society Ltd., Warananagar (WAGPCOS)
This Industry is started in 1996 for the processing of fruits like mango, banana, guava, papaya etc. The finished products of pulp and puree is aseptically packed and exported. American based Cherry Burrell's Technology and Machinery were imported for this plant. It is an opportunity for the fruit growers in addition to traditional cropping pattern.
Significant Contribution :
Project feasibility report, financial arrangements, civil, erection & commission works. |
Selection / purchase of machinery for this Industry from Cherry Burrell, America. |
Achieved production of pulp & puree as per International Standards. |
Key role in policy and decision making. |
Suggestions to architecture in building layout, process layout, Aesthetic, creative & ergonomic design concepts etc. The design of this industrial building is awarded as 'Best Industrial Building' by Indian Institute of Architecture, New Delhi. |
Work is appreciated both at National & International level. |
Performed additional duties of CEO / MD for the specific period. |
Deputy Director of Industries Alias General Manager DIC: (From19/04/1994 to 14/08/ 2000)
This post is coming under the Directorate of Industries, Department of Industries, Energy, & Labour, Government of Maharashtra. As per Central Government Policy 1978, all districts were equipped with Udyog Bhavan Central Offices. The Group of Offices under one roof viz. Industries, Khadi & Village Industries, MSSIDC, Inspectorate of Factories, Entrepreneurship development, Pollution control, Commissioner of Labour, Bank, Financial Corporation etc. As per the constitution, General Manager of District Industries Center (DIC) is the administrative President of all these offices from Udyog Bhavan.
Performed the duties in the capacity of Deputy Director of Industries, Pune Region, Pune from 19/04/1994 to 08/07/1996 and as a General Manager, District Industries Center, Sangli from 09/07/1996 to 14/08/2000.
In the entire India except in the state of Maharashtra, these posts are headed by the IAS Officers. In Maharashtra state, Engineering and Management background candidates are selected through Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC). In the year 1993, five (5) posts of Deputy Director of Industries were advertised by MPSC & I was selected in the rank. Performance of District Industries Centers (DIC's) in Maharashtra is excellent.
Significant Contribution :
Considerable Promotion and development of Industries in rural & urban areas. |
Implemented various Government Schemes and Policies successfully over & above the given targets. |
Designed & promoted specific procedures for speedy, smooth and corruption free office work. These procedures were appreciated by the Government of Maharashtra and circulated the few for the implementation in other districts. |
Successfully handled additional duty of Grievances Disposal Officer in the capacity of Deputy Director of Industries, Pune Region, Pune (M.S.).
(Districts in the Pune region- Pune, Solapur, Satara, Sangli & Kolhapur). |
Represented legal matters of the department in Maharashtra Administrative Tribunal (MAT) and High Court on behalf of Government of Maharashtra for Industries Pune Region, Pune, |
Motivated prisoners and prostitutes for starting S.S.I. / Tiny units. |
Organised various workshops / seminars in the capacity of G.M. DIC, Sangli on the subjects like Time Management, Leadership, Communication skills etc. for the benefits of entrepreneurs from Kolhapur and Sangli districts. These workshops / seminars were automatically benefitted to office staff from Udoyg Bhavan. |
Maintained better co-ordination between the other concern institutes with the industries regional office, Pune & the DIC for speedy, smooth & corruption free implementation of various schemes and policies. |
Established ‘Entrepreneur’s Club’ of selected entrepreneurs, for the development of industries in the capacity of Deputy Director of Industries, Pune Region, Pune. |
Arranged Best Entrepreneur Award Distribution Ceremony of Pune Region, Pune at the auspicious hands of His Excellency Dr. P.C. Alexander, then Governor of Maharashtra. |
Various speeches and Interviews were broadcasted on All India Radio's (AIR) Pune and Sangli Centers. |
My yearly performance during the tenure were rated as ‘outstanding’ by the Industry Department, Govt. of Maharashtra. |
Training and Placement Officer (From 02/07/1984 to 18/04/1994): Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering & Technology, Warananagar. [ TKIET, Warananagar ]
Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering & Technology, Warananagar established in 1983, is reputed Engineering Institute. Various branches of engineering are available at graduate and post-graduate level.
In this Institute initially worked as a Lecturer (from 02/07/1984 to 31/08/1992) with an additional responsibility of TPO & later on as regular Training & Placement Officer (TPO), AICTE professor grade post (From 01/09/1992 to 18/04/1994).
Significant Contribution:
Additional responsibility of Training & Placement Officer while on the post of Lecturer. |
Improvement in Industry-Institute interactions/relations. |
Instrumental in functioning of different cells like Personality Development, Entrepreneurship Development, Career Development etc. |
Designed PAD system for the improvement of curriculum & careers. |
Organized technical exhibitions & workshops on management games, effects of levels of managements, grape wine channels of communication, know yourself etc. |
Organised state level workshop on effective teaching. |
Excellent performance certificates received for the various works. |
ME, MBA & DCP education completed during this tenure. |
Website: And |
Chief Erection Engineer and Site Incharge - (From 02/02/1983 to 01/07/1984):
M/S. Yadav Brothers, Pune was one of the reputed and leading company for Erection of heavy machineries for Sugar, Cements, Paper and Chemical Plants from the manufactures like. M/S. Buckau Wolf India Ltd., Walchandnagar Industries, NHEC etc. It was a big group working in this field, in different states of India. Major Supervisory Staff and workers were from Uttar Pradesh & Bihar.
In the erection work of Shri Sanjay Co-operative Sugar Factory, Ltd., Vijaynagar, District Dhule, I was first Maharashtrian in M/s. Yadav Brothers as a Chief Erection Engineer / Site Incharge
Significant Contribution :
Successfully completed the Erection works of Sanjay Co-operative Sugar Ltd., Dhule and the remaining erection work of Warana Paper Factory, well in scheduled time. |
Satisfactory completed expansion works of Shri Warana Co-operative Sugar Factory Ltd., Warananagar & Shri Sahyadri Co-operative Sugar Factory Ltd., Karad. |
Rendered additional managerial and engineering services to other sites of M/S. Yadav Brothers, Pune and for their Shirval machinery works. |
At the sites implemented management techniques with philosophical and spiritual Values & promoted different methods to motivate supervisors and workers. |
Introduced team work culture and adopted crisis management techniques. |
Broadly applied PERT/CPM techniques. |
Effectively utilized the available resources. |
Performance was appreciated many times by the M/S. Yadav Brothers, machinery manufacturers & suppliers like M/S Backau Wolf India Ltd., Pune. |
Engineer - (From 03/08/1982 to 01/02/1983) : M/S. Polygraph India Ltd., Kolhapur
M/S. Polygraph India Ltd., Kolhapur, the German Collaborated corporate company in manufacture of printing machineries. It is now expanded in Unit No.1, 2 & 3 which is known as M/S Manugraph India Ltd. Major quantum of machines manufactured are exported.
Significant Contribution :
Joined as ‘Special Trainee Engineer’, immediately after completion of Engineering, B.E. (Mechanical). |
Studied various machining processes and operations with the application of studied engineering knowledge. |
Studied different German engineering drawings for machining processes & various assemblies. |
Periodic discussions with the heads of the concern departments helped in perception of the various issues. |
Experienced work environment in corporate sector at different levels of management. |
Accepted Independent assignment of designing an overhead crane for the company’s use. |
After completion of training period (6 months) company was aiming for me as a head for newly designed printing machines manufacture. |
TV / AIR / Press :
TV programmes on - National, Astha, IBN, Zee, Star, E, Saam, …
All India Radio (AIR) on – Pune, Sangli etc.
Press – concern press conferences.
Publications :
Seven years (2008 to 2014) ‘Vision’ DVDs & Interviews Compilation Book, Other Programmes DVDs, Divyasparsh – Yog Vigyan Granth, etc.
Foreign Visits :
Foreign Visits are made with Honorable Mr. Vinay Kore, Ex. Minister, Non–conventional Energy and Horticulture Ministry, Government of Maharashtra. Mr. Kore sir is the Head of Warana Co-operative Industrial & Educational Group. All the expenses of these foreign visits are borne by the concern institutions / foreign companies.
These visits were intended for selection / purchase of technologies and machineries. Need based search, selection and purchases are done for the benefit of the Warana Co-operative group and the society.
Cherry Burell’s machineries from America for Warana’s fruit processing plant, milk powder plant from Australia for Warana Dairy, Hydal Power Machineries from China for Navshakti Power Co-operative, Tate and Lyle Process Technology & Machinery for Warana Sugar Refinery from London, U.K. etc. are some of the achievements from the foreign visits.
Awards Received :
Surajya Bhushan, Nava Manus, Panhala Bhushan, Marshal, Manuskicha Hrudya Samrat etc. are some of the awards received for outstanding contribution in the concerned fields.
Miscellaneous :
Selectively performing as an Expert / Technical Director for the whole Warana Co-operative Industrial & Educational Group. |
Organizing various seminars / workshops, training modules, management programmes for the co-operative group at different levels. Organizing/Co-ordinating the various mega events. |
Motivation to establishing Industries / Businesses for overall development of the masses. |
Better liaison with electronic and print media & guidance for preparing advertisements. |
Likings In policy formation, accepting new responsibilities, resolvement of issues, devine power etc. Act as resources person for the various subjects from different fields. |
‘Garja – Maharashtra’ half an hour programme on Warana Co-op. role model is repeatedly shown on IBN – Lokmat T.V. channel, ‘Shikshan Parishad’ on Z 24 Tas, etc. covers the role. |
Additional qualifications, while in the service at TKIET, Warananagar, completed regular post graduate courses of Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Master of Mechanical Engineering (M.E.) and Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Programming (D.C.P.). |
FIE and Chartered Engineer from The Institution of Engineers (India). |
Life Membership of Indian Society For Technical Education. |
Prime Minister Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) suitable action plan for constructing the village roads submitted / presented to Government of India & got approved on the basis of Government + co-operative as joint venture. |
Qualitative / quantitative developments are always preferred both at Government, Co-operative and Corporate level. |
Interdisciplinary approach & Believes in ‘Even best can be made better’. |
Mr. N. H. Patil |