Founder‘s View:-
To develop the India right from the root, and for which the Co-operative base is needed which will make the profit to pass to the root level people and each and every India should flourished and efforts will be taken to pass all the incentives/schemes to each and every home of rural area so that the very motto of uplifting the rural India will be achieved.
So with the same views when Hon. Vinay Kore Saheb was Minister for Non Conventional Energy took iniciative to open up the small Hydro Project on BOT. To overcome the power scarcity.
With the same aim and objective the Navshakti was formed and took 6 SHP to generate 10.6 MW. The reason to enter into small Hydro Project with low capacity was the Social-Economical and infrastructure development in aspect rural area and makes every Common Indian to be the part of Growth Story of India.
Chairman’s Views:-
Practical implementation of policies, to achieve the aims, objectives & goal of policies formed, by motivating people to be the part of growth of India with the believe that if Person change itself, it’s family will change, if family change the village will change if village change the city will change, if city change the state will change and if state change the country will change, so to develop the India we have to do the changes at the very root of India.